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Hey! I'm your loan guy, Todd.

Sure, I’m a loan wiz. But I didn’t get into this because of a passion for mortgages. I’m in this because of the joy I get from giving people the opportunity to build their lives in a home they love. And to fully love that home, you may need some help from time to time. I’ve built a huge network of Preffered Pros over years of home ownership and I'm thrilled to share them with you. All of our Preferred Pros have been personally used by my family and we are raving fans. In fact, we liked them so much that we built an entire platform to share their specialty with you. We even have a special Simon Loans discount that each Pro is sharing with you! We don't get kickbacks from referring them, this is just good old fashioned good people, helping good people.

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We may not wear suits. But we do wear underwear.

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